Legends of 21 Century

Concern about climate change has increased strongly over the last two decades.
When we decided to make a simple contribution to the subject from the most immediate reality, we launched a series we titled “Legends of the 21st Century”.
Something like a vision from several centuries after now, about some things that we are already doing very wrong right now, as legions of scientists warn.
The appeal was simple: images of the familiar in contexts that may become real if we continue down this path.
Some people called us to tell us that the images made them feel overwhelmed or uneasy, and some called us alarmists. Even though the brief text that accompanied them was more novel than scientific.
We published two images in poster format in 2004, with the Tower of Hercules as the protagonist, taking advantage of the fact that we had the model for our archaeology work.
Then known as Global Warming. Climate Change is more recent.
A few months later we received a call from the Professor of Geology Juan Ramón Vidal Romaní because he intended to use one of the images for the cover of his inaugural lecture of the Academic Year 2005-2006 at the University of A Coruña.
Thanks to this coincidence and to the wisdom and knowledge of Juan Ramón we began to understand some things and to get out of an ignorance in which some of us were, in spite of the initiative.
At present we are still working on the subject, but if we get enough support, it is certain that we will finish renewing some approaches to put at the service of the public some instrument more than mere contemplation.


Legends of the 21st century
In ancient times, when there were no known Translations or Transpositions or Penetrating Images or concepts such as Counter-Gravity, time was still understood and measured linearly on the ancient planet Earth, in fractions of greater or lesser size.
For example, the time it took for the planet to revolve around the Sun was considered to be “one year”, and people’s lives revolved in the same orbit. The return of the planet on its axis was called a day and one day followed another always in the same direction, there were no Temporal Displacements and concepts as old as Day and Night.
This caused people to “age”; Entities were unknown and the concepts of Life and Death dominated the planet.
Before interspatial exchanges, even in the 21st and 22nd centuries, life was more like the Old World than the present. It was not until the late 23rd century of that era, of that understanding of the Universe, that access to the Higher Levels was achieved.
This is a collection of errant messages, recovered messages, repaired messages, sanitised messages, messages forgotten in old computers, messages in transit … Legends of the 21st century.
From the time when time was measured.


Message in transit, year 2108.
Origin: A Coruña – Galicia
Image from a message recovered in 2108 showing one of the Giant Tsunamis, very common on the European Atlantic coast at the end of the 21st century, colliding with the Tower of Hercules in A Coruña (Galicia). Some current historians have identified the spectral image in the background with a warship from the Battle of Elviña in 1809.


Net message from the year 2125.
Origin: A Coruña – Galicia Image belonging to a message recovered in 2125 representing the Third Great Tide on the European Atlantic coast in the second half of the 21st century. View of the Tower of Hercules in A Coruña (Galicia) with the last conventional road built, partially submerged, before the construction of the so-called Floating Roads.


Network message 2124 from A Coruña – Galicia
Image from a message recovered in 2124 showing the total withdrawal of water at Santo Antón Castle, A Coruña, between the third and fourth waves of one of the Giant Tsunamis that devastated Europe in the 21st century.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)